@KTzone » 消閒 - 恐怖靈異討論 » Be careful when picking up your car at a parking lot...

2012-5-15 05:41 wilson015
Be careful when picking up your car at a parking lot...

This is a story happend to a DJ in Vancouver, one day the DJ was out for lunch with two of her friends, one of them can see the spirits of the dead, while the other can feel the presence but not able to see them.It was around 1pm, and they sitting at the window seats of the the restaurant.Across from their table was a bar.Midway through the lunch, the friend that can feel the presence of ghosts had sudden chill down her back, and instantly she looked accross to the bar.Then exchange a look with the friend taht can actually see the spirits.That friend didn't say anything, except telling the other two to leave the restaurant right away.

But at that point, the Dj was having a stomach ache, and needed to go to the washroom, which was right beside the bar.The friend that 'see things urged her to go quickly and not to look at the empty seats at the bar.The DJ was thought that her friend was just joking. Afterward they left the restaurant, and split up to get their cars int he parking lot.Just when the DJ was opening the door to her car, her friends came up to her and told her to ride their car instead. The DJ didn't know why, and her friends wouldn't tell her either.So she got into her friends' car, and they were driving in cricles for 30 minutes or so, nobody said a word in the car.

Finally they were back in the parking lot, her seeing friend told her that she is now safe to pick up her car.At that moment, she asked him what's doing on.Both friends reply to her that they saw a spirit of a man at the bar in the restaurant, and it was staring at her.And when they got to the parking lot, the same ghost was actually inside her car sitting at the passenger seat at the back, watching her as she was opening the door.Both friends could see and feel the ghost was waiting for the DJ.So for her safety, they gave her a ride around until the ghost was gone.The Dj was overwhelmed.

This is a true story.

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